Thursday, January 14, 2016

O be wise, what can I say more?

My Dear Friend, and to all of the other young adults out there.

This. This is for you. I hope through my post I am able to touch a few lives, and that I am able to help you understand your worth. Cause you were born for a reason! Happiest of Birthdays, sweet girl.

You are now 18 years old! When did time say let's fly? I don't know but, I remember the day you were born. I loved, made mistakes, learned, from being able to be apart of your life.

You have a strong spirit about you, that sometimes you don't recognize at times. God put you on this earth at this time because you were VALIANT before this life even became something. You knew Jesus Christ, and loved him.

He knew what you were 'called' to bear. He knew the challenges that were ahead of you. He placed you in situations to help you grow, and to lean on his sweet, fragile, and precious Atonement.

If I could give you something this birthday it would be the knowledge that Jesus Christ loves you. He does. He understands EVERYTHING! And for you to understand the Atonement.

Words of Wisdom from not just your aunt, sister, but someone who loves and cares for you deeply.

1.Be careful of your friends. As I tell all of my students that I teach, Show me your friends and I can predict your future. The people you surround yourself with will impact the REST OF YOUR LIFE! Choose wisely.

2.Gain a knowledge that you are a choiced Daughter of God. God has a purpose for your life. Trust him!

3.Commandments are there to protect you, not to hinder you. I was studying a talk this week where I was uplifted and reminded what these tender commandments are for. I was reminded that sin is fun. But, that's it. Fun. Not by any shape or form able to bring you JOY! Commandments are there to protect you not to hinder where you are heading.

4.Study the Scriptures. In them you will find peace, you will be able to find that you will not be as frustrated with life. I know sometimes you probably think God is not even aware of me? He is. He knows who he wants you to be. If you are humble enough, you will be able to become who you are meant to be.

5.Prayer. Pray to our Heavenly Father! He loves you, he is your Father. He wants to know your heart, he wants to know your desires, worries, EVERYTHING, he wants to hear from YOU. Cause he loves you! <3

6.Go to church every Sunday. Forget the cliques, forget the "i'm better then you are" people that are at church. That's not why we go to church. We go to church to draw closer to Jesus Christ. Ultimately the end goal is returning back to our Heavenly Father. All of ours.

The sacrament each Sunday gives us the strength to resist temptation throughout the week, it reminds us that we have made a promise with God to ALWAYS remember him. That is where true happiness is found.

One of my institute teachers Brother Thorpe, Every Tuesday night quotes this beautiful and true statement from President Howard W. Hunter "If our lives and our faith are centered upon Jesus Christ and his restored gospel, nothing in this life can go permanently wrong. On the other hand, if our lives are not centered on the Savior and his teachings, no other success can ever be permanently right."

7.Be a Righteous Leader. Lead others closer to Christ. As you deepen your own conversion.

8.Be careful the way you spend your time on Social Media. Remember that you are a daughter of God. And should be treated as such. If a young man isn't willing to do that, he is not worth your time.

9.Be the young woman your future husband is praying for. You had no idea he was praying for you did ya? Well, he is! He is hoping that you are making good decisions that will keep you close to the Savior. He is depending on you to be close to the spirit for that is what will lead you to this sweet young man. He wants and desires to take you to the temple and be sealed for time and all eternity. What a sweet experience. Why would you want to give that up, for something that is earthly, and just fun? He already loves you so deeply. Don't give up this precious opportunity that is yours, for something that is temporary.

10. Make Education a Priority You are so smart and bright. Make education a  priority, if you do you will be a better asset to the Lord. Your future will be brighter, and the Lord can use you more as an instrument.

11. Most importantly! You are so loved. Study the Atonement of Jesus Christ, This will help you to understand who you are. And that you are not alone. I hope whomever is reading this can feel the LOVE that God has for you. 💖 If you heed the council and the advice that this blog provides you will be so blessed! Promise!

1 comment:

  1. Chelcy! I know that you were telling me about this post earlier, but when I read it I LOVED it :) Just thought I would let you know
