Friday, October 11, 2013

Is God Aware of Me?

When I was serving a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in the Santa Rosa, California Mission. I was able to be changed, and watch lives change through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

What a sight that was to see, and the opportunity to be apart of such an amazing miracle to see others come unto Christ.

In coming unto Christ, there are difficulties, and challenges that come our way. There have been times in my life where I would often wonder if God was aware of me.

There have been so many experiences and moments that I can share about how many times God has answered my prayers, for that is how I have come to truly know that he is aware of me. As this blog progresses, I will share more experiences, that I feel is appropriate of the many more people that have made an impact in my life to share on this blog. But, for today I am going to focus on one of the missionaries, I served with.

As a missionary we have whats called a transfer which means every 6 weeks, we can potentially stay in a city that we are currently are at, or could move to a different city within the boundaries of our mission.

One of the experiences that I wanted to share happened when I was serving in Benicia, California. I had been serving there for 6 weeks, and I was entering my last 6 weeks of the mission. As missionaries we have whats called zone leaders, and district leaders, the district leader is the one that is over a group of missionaries, normally within that city. And a zone leader covers a larger area. When my first transfer in Benicia was coming to a close, And we were getting ready for the next transfer we remembered that, one of our zone leaders was heading home, which means that we were getting a new zone leader for sure!

As we were eating lunch, the thought came to me that Elder Camper could be transferred into this area! I couldn't help but, think of this :) 

I remember saying out loud, "If Heavenly Father really loves me, he will send Elder Camper to be my zone leader" Transfer calls came that night, in the transfer call it said that Elder Camper was coming to be our zone leader! Our face's were priceless, I could not believe it!

God had answered my prayer! He wanted to show me that indeed he did love me<3 I quickly went to the phone and texted Elder Camper, and said "You are my zone leader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Heavenly Father loves me" All I can say is wow!                               

I was at the end of my mission, when I was struggling with some things. When a thought came to me all I need is a call from Elder Camper, He is like a brother to me. I remember singing 'A Child's Prayer' the part in the song where it say's, Heavenly Father are you really there? When the phone rang, I didn't want to answer it. I was so frustrated..... I remember answering the phone and it was Elder Camper! He told me that he felt prompted by the spirit to call. How did he know!?!?!?!? That I needed him?

He talked to me, he took time out of his day to make sure that I was o.k. and that I could continue on. Isn't that what the Lord would do? Way to be, Elder!

I will say that it is! Thank Goodness that Elder Camper Listened to the promptings of the spirit! It increases the faith of those that are seeking answers to there own questions, times like these is when my faith in God increases.