Wednesday, March 6, 2019

The Core

      Walking down the hall of your 7th grade class wondering what is going on with your body. Why is it changing, Why am I thinking that girls don't have cooties anymore? Or for the young ladies why am I thinking that boy's don't have cooties anymore?

    This my friends is called puberty. Everyone is different and it hits each of us at different times. Sometimes it hits younger then expected, and it can also hit you when you are older then expected. But, none the less it happens to every single one of us including your parents. Ew. Gross. huh?!

Why do I mention your parents? Because they have been exactly where you are, they know the thoughts, body changes, etc that you are going through.


With all of these changes comes big and heavy responsibilities. What you choose to listen to, decide to watch, look at on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Bumble, etc. Does impact the choices you make. If you think it doesn't you're in for some really tough times.

   The addiction that is spreading throughout the nation like a plague, is not what you seem to expect. It's not cigarettes, it's not alcohol, it's not cocaine, etc. It's an addiction that is one of the most silent killers of our day. That is of Pornography. What is pornography exactly?

     Before I go into this heavy topic I want to gear my thoughts and feelings towards parents of children. Especially teenagers.

First and foremost these chosen children of God were sent here at this time because they were valiant in the pre-existence.

They knew who Jesus Christ was and they stood with him! Because of the veil they have forgotten who they really are. They have forgotten their strength, and what they have come to earth to overcome.

    Heavenly Father entrusted YOU to help them to remember that they testified that Jesus Christ lives, to help them remember who they truly are! And that THEY WON against the adversary that was trying to take them with him. They were valiant then and they can do it again, with your help!

    So what is the core of this silent addiction that is sweeping the nation? Believe it or not it is LUST!

In the Merriam-Webster dictionary it reads "lust is usually intense or unbridled sexual desire"

This is what is capturing our young people.

So what is pornography? And how can we help?

There are three different definitions that are found in Merriam Webster Dictionary where it reads:

1. The depiction of erotic behavior (as in pictures or writing) intended to cause sexual excitement.

2. Material (such as books or a photograph) that depicts erotic behavior and is intended to cause sexual excitement.

3. The depiction of acts in a sensational manner so as to arouse a quick intense emotional reaction, such as video sexting and messaging girls or guys online.

This my friends is NOT a sin to be a part of. If you know someone that is dealing with this, seek help quickly!

It's better to conquer this addiction before it even starts. So how can you help your child, or teenager, to not even get into it?!

     Self Control and not being idol! Keep these teenagers so busy that they don't have time to be online.

Also, Parents you are not your child's friend at this point in the game. That comes later.

     Right now you are reminding them of who they were before they were born, who they stood with, and why they were chosen for this day and age, when everything around us is becoming darker and darker.

     Don't be afraid to get your teenager a flip phone instead of the "latest popular phone" They may not appreciate it now.

But, they will later. If your teenager has a social media account have ALL
passwords to it, if they change it take it away.

    Sit down with your child and really let them know why self control and not being idol is so important to gain right now in their life, and to control their thoughts NOW! Not later!

How do we learn to control our thoughts?

When I was a teenager I went to a conference where they told us, our minds are like a stage in a theater.

Only one act can play at a time. So if an inappropriate thought came into your mind and you let it play, one thing leads to another. As Margret Thatcher has explained: Watch your thoughts for they become your words. Watch your words for they become your actions. Watch your actions for they become your habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character.

   Now, when an inappropriate thought comes into your mind what can we do to redirect it?

Start thinking of those that love you so deeply! Who wants you to succeed. Think about your future family. Would you want your child to know what you are thinking inappropriate thoughts? No? Then stop it.

   Is it easy? Heavens no! But, it is possible through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Get some hobbies that don't include electronics, this too will bless you!

  I know I talked about some heavy things today, though if you will heed to the advice given I can promise that you will avoid so much heartache and that, if you don't change so much disappoint and grief will be waiting for you.

   There is peace in Christ, when you turn to him. <3