Friday, February 20, 2015

A letter Home, from the mission field.

This letter was sent home 3 years ago today, to my Family.

Dear Family!
I have been very busy these past 2 weeks. Just a little bit inside my Missionary life these past 2 weeks. I went  on exchanges to middletown. The people there are so humble, the work there is blooming, and people are definately prepared to recieve the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.

I felt inside that Sister. Simnitt was going to leave, since it was the 6th week. and we were recieving transfer calls that saturday.  I struggled with that idea of her not being here anymore, and for me to lead an area. I have prayed so fervently and in my fast this last month, I fasted for the strength to lead this area. Not knowing the results of transfer calls. Sister. Simnitt because of her health issues, she finds out like 3 days before if she is being transferred. And she told me that she was.

It was definately a challenge for me to watch her pack up her stuff, and head to a different area. On Saturday we found out about transferrs and I have been called to train a new missionary, So on that monday I wasn't able to email. Because I was in training meeting all day, and that tuesday we came to our area. It's finally time for me to be able to sit down and let you all know what's been going on. Training is such a sacred trust from my Father in Heaven.

This week has definately been an adjustment for me, in leading this area plus training. We were in Santa Rosa, all day monday, and half of Tuesday. We then came home to petaluma, I got lost thinking I needed to go North, when I needed to go south. But, I did find my way home. My new companions name is Sister. Gubler, She is from Leverkin, Utah. And she is a EMT/Firefighter back home. She has 2 brothers and 3 sisters. And she is the middle child, and the first of her moms. I am so so so so so thankful for prayer, and the opportunity that I have to speak with my Father in Heaven. As I care for her, and  needing to know how to best help this sister. Through all of this I actually got sick, I want to say a cold or something, I have been coughing like crazy. And I feel that I have been stressed about all of this, but I know that my Father in Heaven wouldn't give me something that I can't handle. The elders in our district knew that I wasn't feeling well. And I was needing some sprite zero, so I wouldn't have that sugar in my system.

Well, they gave me the green bottle and just markered the zero on there. haha it was funny. I am feeling a little better today. This week we prayed for miracles a lady was riding her bike as we were walking and she asked us are you jehovahs witness? we said no, then she said are you mormons? We said yes, she turned around and set an appointment up with her. She is only here til tuesday so we will see how that goes. My companion has been having a hard time adjusting to missionary life, and adjusting not being around her family. She has been very homesick, Its been hard for me knowing how to best help her.

We were able to teach Ismael this week, he is so amazing. He knows exactly what to say, I am always uplifted from those lessons. The opposition is so intense but, it does not stop the work from progressing the way that our Father in Heaven wants it to go. I also have seen a lot of my weaknesses, and as I humbled myself then those things will become my strengths. This scripture has been such a strength to me this week. In Ether 12:6 it reads: And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that Faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.' We have shared this scripture to a lot of families this week. I know that our Father in Heaven knows us so perfectly.

And our Savior Jesus Christ knows everything that we go through. I am so greatful for this sacred opportunity that I have to share the gospel with others and to be able to be an instrument in his hands. I love you all, and know that you are not forgotton. Thank you for the Valentines day package! I love the stuffed animal, and all that ya'll put in there. My Love Always, Sister. Charles

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