Saturday, September 23, 2017

Is it all really worth it?

Hello World!

It has been a little bit since I have written on here, the title of this blog is, "Is it all worth it?"

This is to those that are in there mid to late 20's and are still single. I hope this post brings comfort to you, and help you to feel God's love and admiration for you.

Background of me, I have had my share of dates. I have been on dates that I wish would have worked out, and I have been on MANY that I said no too.

Why? Why would I do that? When that was a chance to find someone. A friend of mine explained it this way, when you are going to the store and your looking at the steaks, chicken, or any kind of meat to feed your family would you just pick one and go home?

Many of you would say no. You would study the chicken, steak or whatever meat you are buying and  you would stay at the store until you found the perfect one for your family. She related this to dating and marriage. The person you marry is the one that will be the future mother/father of your children, your future spouse, And your future.

I have been in the singles ward, living the single life for a while now, and I would always see EVERYONE else getting engaged, getting married, and wondered what was wrong with me?

I would ask questions to myself why am I not getting picked by the guy's that I thought was worth my time.  I started to doubt myself thinking that I just wasn't worth it. Thinking that I wasn't pretty enough, educated enough, spiritual enough, fun enough, that I was not ENOUGH.

I really had these thoughts come to my mind ALL THE TIME. Little by little the devil would sneak into my life. Telling me things like I am not enough.

I want each of you to know that you are WORTH it! Their is someone out their for YOU! Someone who will respect, love, and cherish YOU! I know your thinking in your mind, Chelcy, I'm not worth it. You don't get it... You already found your guy, You don't understand how I feel that I will never find my eternal companion.

I am a living, breathing, energetic source that God does care and is mindful of our dreams. It took me 27 years to find someone that I was comfortable with, who accepted me for ALL that I am and LOVES me!!!

He is now my fiancee, And I literally feel like I am in a dream, I didn't think it would happen for me. I was hoping for it, praying, and preparing myself, but had no idea the plan God had in mind. The man God prepared for me is EXACTLY who I needed!

God is in the details of your dating, Why? Why would God care about the person that you date? Because, Marriage is ordained by him. And since Marriage is ordained by him and dating leads to marriage, therefore dating is ordained by God when done correctly.

I feel like we come up with this ideal person in our minds, of who we want to marry, and we get so set on it, and we MISS the person God is preparing. Their are many God prepares for us, but sometimes it seems in today's world we miss out on all of the opportunities presented to us. Cause we are stuck on perfection.

I hear a lot of my friends say well that person is too shy for me to date, their like 5 years older then me so I can't date them, their too young, too energetic, what ever the case may be we put a standard in our mind that seems to block what God tries to hand and offer us.

Don't regret one of the most important decisions of your life!!!

 Go on dates. When you get asked out make sure to go on at least one with them. This will help you know what you can handle and what you cannot handle with another person. Definitely follow the spirit, if you feel that this person is not who the Lord would have you date, by all means don't go.

If you are a young lady, don't be afraid to ask guy's out on dates. I know, I know! I know what you are thinking, and I am a southern girl and I definitely was taught that it's the guy's responsibility to ask, but sometimes they need just a little push to help boost their confidence.

If anything go have fun! Enjoy the time given to you, and focus on becoming who you are meant to be.

Be confident with who you are, don't change your personality to get a guy or girl. No one has time for that! Change for Christ, become more like him! And he will lead you to who you are supposed to be with. Much love, Chelcy

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